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IFTI-E Reports

Drive efficiency and reduce the risk of non-compliance with automated AUSTRAC IFTI-E reporting

Automate Your IFTI-E Reporting with Jade ThirdEye

IFTI-Es are required to be submitted by financial institutions when they send or receive money from another country. These reports are crucial for AUSTRAC's efforts to detect, deter and disrupt financial crime. 

Jade ThirdEye's automated IFTI-E reporting helps you submit reports seamlessly and reliably to AUSTRAC by pre-populating client and transactional data from MX messages into IFTI-E reports. You can choose to submit these reports automatically, or after a review and approval process. 

Key Features

Direct MX Integration

Process MX messages in their native XML format, saving you valuable time

MX Message Selection

Process MX messages through the rule engine, discarding the non-reportable messages

Automated Data

Pre-populate the IFTI-E report with client and transactional data from the reportable MX message, which minimises manual processes

Automated Data Validation

Validate the IFTI-E report against the AUSTRAC data requirements, guaranteeing a successful submission every time

Seamless IFTI-E Submission

Integrates seamlessly with AUSTRAC Online through their B2B interface, confirming successful submission

Quality Control and Approval

Optionally review and approve IFTI-Es before submission


View a full audit trail of your IFTI-E submission process, to ensure complete compliance

Why automate your
AML reporting?

Automation can streamline the compliance process in a reliable, timely, and cost-effective way, to help you meet your IFTI-E reporting obligations.

Meet deadlines

Easily and efficiently meet IFTI-E deadlines with AUSTRAC

Automate reporting

Eliminate manual and time-consuming reporting processes

Comply with confidence

Generate quality reports to meet AUSTRAC requirements


Integrated reporting with AUSTRAC

Partnering for success

Trusted for over 10 years
We’ve been supporting reporting entities in multiple sectors around the globe for over 10 years, and we're committed to providing a first-class AML/CFT solution.
JTE_Icons_2023_24-7 support
24/7 local support
Our local support team gets you up and running during your initial implementation and provides 24/7 support. Whenever you need us, we’re right here.
JTE_Icons_2023_Annual Service Optimisation
Optimisation service
We provide an optimisation service, including a full review of your rules, to help you make the most of your investment and evolve your AML/CFT programme.

See how IFTI-E automation can evolve your regulatory reporting compliance

Book a meeting today to find out more.

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